A Big Thank You to Businessuites!

I want to issue a big public “thank you” to Businessuites Owings Mills, the landlord for my law practice. Businessuites is making a major investment in a new telephone network which will allow client (and non-client) messages to be forwarded as .wav files to its tenants imcluding this Law Office.

The big advantages to this system are that the Law Office (myself and any assistant who may be working with me) often have the capacity to pick up an email even when lacking full telephone service from a remote location. The Law Office is largely “untethered” and the new technology makes it easier – and safer when driving – to stay current on messages. In addition, the .wav format allows for off-site back-up of messages to prevent misunderstandings and allows the Law Office to empty the mailbox promptly without worry.

I am glad that Businessuites cares enough about its clients to help my practice do a more efficient job of caring for my clients. Many thanks to Lisa Dukes, Jeannie and Jen at Businessuites Owings Mills!

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