Bruce Godfrey Joins Faculty of Solo Practice University, Teaching Unemployment Appeals Course

When my family’s house burned down in 1997, I felt little personal grief for mere things.  My father suffered a minor burn on his hand from a hot doorknob during the 3 AM exit out of the soon-to-be three alarm blaze, but other than a little smoke inhalation no one suffered any meaningful medical blow-back from the fire.  My family was safe; accordinglyI didn’t miss my socks, my shoes, my suits, even my diplomas.  But the things that I most regretted losing – and was most eager to replace soon thereafter when insurance paid out – was two books by Jay Foonberg, Esquire of Beverly Hills.

Mr. Foonberg was and is a legend in the field of law practice management and marketing, particularly for solo and small-firm attorneys.  One of his two books, “How to Start and Build a Law Practice” and “How to Get and Keep Good Clients”, was reportedly the book most often stolen from US law libraries (to compare, the Bible is reported as the book most often stolen from some U.S. libraries.)  I had borrowed and re-borrowed his books in law school (did not steal them) and finally spent the money to buy the books from Mr. Foonberg’s publisher.  Even at a high price, Mr. Foonberg’s titles were a bargain and a treasure for a young lawyer who desired in his heart to have his own practice, despite it all.

Jay Foonberg has given lectures on law office management, ethics, marketing and related topics in every state in the Union and many foreign countries.  His name is legendary.  You can find his books on the shelves of solo and small-firm attorneys of every color, creed, philosophy and location nationwide and beyond.  So imagine my feeling now, in 2011, as I learn that I am now, at least technically, a peer of Mr. Foonberg in any forum, anywhere.

Jay Foonberg was one of the earlier instructors to join Solo Practice University, a professional resource for attorneys seeking to build their own practices and to learn what law school does not teach and possibly cannot teach; his course material on ethics and practice management are available to SPU students. I am pleased to announce that SPU has welcomed me as a faculty member to teach my course on unemployment appeals litigation, effective today.

The course covers the basics of unemployment appeals law, practice and procedure, with an emphasis on practical help to attorneys seeking to help this underserved client population while earning an honest and ethical living.  The course is taught through a combination of video material and live office hours; my first office hours will be next Monday evening.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Susan Cartier Liebel, SPU’s entrepreneurial founder and CEO, SPU’s chief technical officer David Carson and SPU’s virtual assistant contractor Laurie Mapp for their help in getting me online and live in both recent days and going back as far as 6 months.  I view today as a major date in the history of my law practice and am very excited to get started.  To Susan, David and Laurie, thank you!

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