New Law Office Developments, June 2012

As previously noted here, Bruce Godfrey will be opening the “Gone Geek” conference track of the MSBA Annual Meeting in Ocean City next week on Thursday the 14th.  The 8:15 AM lead-off presentation will cover “30 Tech Tips in 30 Minutes”, covering a variety of tools, strategies, vendors and key concerns in the modern social media and legal marketing era.  To the left is a summary of the main topics.

It’s a bit early to announce it officially, but Bruce Godfrey may be teaching a free “street law” course in Baltimore this fall through the Baltimore Free School.  If everything works out, the course will cover practice legal topics once a week such as consumer protection and debt collection, landlord-tenant, criminal procedure, the Maryland court system’s structure and employment law.

And a personal note:

In November 2010, I (Godfrey) co-presented on the topic of social media for attorneys at a conference of the Solo and Small Firm Division of the Maryland State Bar Association.  It was an honor to make that presentation with attorney Bradley Shear, Esquire, whose knowledge of the matter substantially exceeds mine.  It is somewhat ironic to report that I have decided to cease participation in most social media websites, such as Twitter and Facebook, as they have grown to be a source of strife and unpleasantness as two separate incidents, one on each of those sites, demonstrated over the last several days.  Accordingly, clients and real-life friends and acquaintances expecting to see me on those sites should, if they wish to say “hello”, pick up the phone and say “hello.”


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