The following is the latest from the Law Office.
1) Godfrey is working on three e-books for distribution to attorneys. The first will be a basic guide to attorney mentoring for both mentees and mentors; the second is be a compendium of 100 of the top Maryland cases for practitioners to know and the third will be a “how-to” guide for solo attorneys using technology and other real-world tools to start and operate their practices economically, ethically and professionally. The tentative “drop” date is December 1 for at least two of the books; it may not be possible to meet that deadline given the subject matter volume but that’s the target date.
2) The firm’s commitment to pro bono litigation continues in the matter of Walker v. Kimberlin in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, Greenbelt Division. In addition, the firm has provided representation for severely indigent or disabled workers in unemployment hearings in recent months pro bono publico.
3) The MSBA Bar Bulletin will feature Godfrey in its next issue in article on the Clio practice management software tools. The picture sent to the Bar Bulletin editors electronically from the Law Office’s server almost broke the server over at the MSBA – apparently due to technical issues rather than the more likely cause of Godfrey’s hateful, dread visage…. But all worked out.
4) Pending final confirmation of details, the Law Office will be sponsoring and teaching a free “Street Law” legal education course in Baltimore through the Baltimore Free School. The details are not finalized but the Law Office has received preliminary approval for the concept from the administrators. Topics will be basic, everyday law for real people.
5) The course on Unemployment Insurance: Law Practice and Procedure at Solo Practice University continues; 10 video lessons are in the “can” at SPU and there are two more to go. While Steven Spielberg, Ken Burns and George Lucas need not be quaking in their Rodeo Drive boots, the discipline of speaking on a timer and the skills of video editing have been rather useful to acquire, the former helping out a great deal at Godfrey’s recent presentation at the MSBA Annual Meeting’s “Going Geek” program track.
6) The Law Office anticipates moving to Reisterstown proper at the end of September. The Businessuites environment in Owings Mills has been wonderful for my practice and I recommend it and the team there strongly. I concluded, however, that I wanted to be closer to my gym, to my office’s long-standing PO Box (both within walking distance) and most importantly to other attorneys to retain a better sense of connection to the Bar. Denrich and Bell, LLC, will become my new landlord at the corner of Bond and Main in historic Reisterstown; Susan Bell and Diana Denrich’s practices complement my own and the congenial, informal attorney environment there will be most welcome.
7) A personal note: Mentoring has been a pleasure over the last several months. I have gotten to know better a number of junior members of the Bar over the last few months. A significant part of the content of the e-book on attorney mentoring will come from my interactions with these fine attorneys in their continuing professional development.