Law Office Update

1)  The Law Office has a new mentee through the Maryland Court of Appeals Professional Program.  At some point soon there may be a post about the new attorney matched to this practice.

2)  While it’s premature to announce this formally, the Law Office has received preliminary good news about an opportunity to contribute on attorney professionalism issues in Maryland.  More news to come if/as/when confirmation arrives. A hint: the blog appears to have some unexpected readers in Anne Arundel County.

3)  The Law Office will be reporting back to this blog regarding its “field trip” to Annapolis on May 1 to attend the Court of Appeals oral arguments in two disciplinary cases and a case involving treble damages awards in wage payment and collection cases.

4)  To strengthen its continuing and very positive relationship with Jezic, Krum and Moyse of Wheaton, MD and that firm’s largely Spanish-speaking clientele, the poor lawyer who pays the bills at this practice is learning Spanish through Rosetta Stone.  The goal is to improve the Law Office’s effective Spanish skills sufficiently not only to allow effective client representation but also Spanish-language blog posts here at this site so as to irritate readers in two languages.  The proprietor is also fluent in German and has some proficiency in several other languages, but most German-speakers speak better English than he does; that’s life.

5)  Of recent interest: Maryland Volunteer Lawyer Service’s Elder Law training on April 11, 2013 in Baltimore and in Bankruptcy training also by MVLS. Elder law will be a pro bono opportunity primarily while bankruptcy work might become a larger element of the practice over the next 6 months. Of particular interest from the bankruptcy seminar were the comments of presenter Robert Grossbart, Esquire, regarding post-bankruptcy litigation under the FCRA, FDCPA and for violations of the automatic stay. Rounding out the CLE battery will be a seminar on False Clams Act presented by Scott Oswald, Esq., of the Employment Law Group at US District Court in Baltimore on May 3rd.

To prospective clients: if any of the above impresses you, it probably shouldn’t; it’s the ordinary sort of skill-sharpening that professionals in most fields try to do.


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