Washington Times, August 25, 2013:
“We understand how George [Zimmerman] visiting the factory that produces the gun used to shoot Trayvon Martin is seen as inappropriate,” a spokesman for attorney Mark O’Mara told Reuters on Friday.
Mr. Zimmerman, 29, shot Trayvon, who was 17, in the heart with a 9 mm Kel-Tec pistol.
Recent events have encouraged me to take a less self-righteous attitude about a lot of things, including but not limited to professional ethics. Anyone can make a mistake, including either a professional or non-professional mistake.
But it is difficult to see the wisdom in a law firm sending out a messenger deliberately to criticize its client’s conduct. Why not say nothing; “nothing” is a rather clever thing to say and it seems smarter than “this is how we in confidence advise our murder suspect clients.”
Am I wrong? If so, tell me why saying something to an internet reporter was wise, professional, loyal, diligence, prudence and becoming of a confidential fiduciary. Tell me why I am wrong.