
I put up four posts earlier today, and Twitter decided to spread the one across the Internet that I found the least well-organized of the four. Conclusion: I am a pretty good blogger, not great, and Twitter has pretty good taste, not great.

The Law Office has established an informal business relationship with opposition research and social media consultant Jeff Quinton of the Quinton Report. Jeff has considerable experience with social media relations and political consulting through his prior work in socially conservative causes and is active in reporting on Maryland Republican politics among other topics. While this Law Office is probably, on net, a yard or two left of the 50-yard line in its politics, tone and philosophy, it’s great to have access to someone professional, knowledgeable and diligent like Jeff Quinton for the times when only a little “Luca Brasi” work will get the job done.

Last night I volunteered with Jewish Legal Services in Baltimore. JLS is associated with, well, The Associated and runs a monthly walk-in clinic. It was a pleasure getting to meet other attorneys and to see how this fairly informal clinic does good work. I have commented with some level of caustic sarcasm as some aspects of pro bono legal work but this clinic is run very well and run from the heart. It made my heart smile to receive the expression of gratitude from one older client on a matter that was, legally, not too big a deal but to this client was a very big deal. So no snark and no irony today; this just felt good and I want to do it again.

Last week I enjoyed Leinenkugel’s Berry Wheat at the Leinenkugel’s Beer Garden at Market Place with the Maryland Employment Lawyers Association (the workers’ Bar Association in Maryland.) It was a pleasure to meet colleagues from the MELA; I had not been to an MELA Happy Hour before. Quite a number of the attorneys there were from Legal Aid or other pro bono agencies; pleasant and impressive company.

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