How to check your Maryland Unemployment Appeal Status Online – IMPORTANT UPDATE

UPDATE: I (Godfrey) regret to report that while the telephone numbers for the contacts at the Board of Appeals and the Lower Appeals Division are available at the link below, the link no longer provides a search portal for Maryland unemployment appeals.  We are keeping the page up for archival purposes. 


The following people need to know how to check the status of a Maryland unemployment appeal.

1)  Employers and Claimants who have filed an appeal to the Lower Appeals Division

2)  Employers and Claimants who have received a notice of appeal to the Lower Appeals Division.

3)  Employers and Claimants who have received a favorable Benefits Determination at the Claims Specialist level.  If you found out that you have prevailed, you might assume that it’s all over.  WRONG, some of the time.  You might be facing an appeal at the last minute from an opponent who did not cc: you on the appeal, and the notice might come late or not at all by US Mail.  Accordingly, if you think you have prevailed, you should check to see whether your opponent has filed an appeal twice or three times a week until 30 days have passed since you got the Benefits Determination.  (I know, it’s a 15-day deadline: trust me, check for a month anyway.)

4) Attorneys representing any party in an unemployment or collateral proceeding with “skin in the game” (i.e. standing, technical or substantive) as to the disposition.

5) Witnesses for any party to an unemployment appeal.

To check for an unemployment appeal, you should click the following link and then add in the 7-digit appeal number or the 9-digit Social Security Number or other federal Taxpayer Identification Number of the Claimant.

3 thoughts on “How to check your Maryland Unemployment Appeal Status Online – IMPORTANT UPDATE”

  1. Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, the former portal has been pulled offline, due (I believe) to privacy concerns. Good luck! B

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